Football food

We have had an at home day today. The rain has been on all day, and it's been really dull. I caught up with housework in between playing with Kerr (playdough, dominoes, Lego, toy kitchen etc) and Kerrsdaddy finished off the painting in the hall. Only the kitchen and utility room left to paint now, yippee!

Kerrsdaddy has some friends round this evening to watch the football. Scotland were playing Liechtenstein and we won 1-0. Half time food was provided, which consisted of pie and beans! This is B, sporting his Scotland top, and about to tuck into his grub.

Removing the cot side from Kerr's bed a few nights ago has gone well. He is sleeping ok in his big boy bed. However, he no longer goes for naps in it during the day, despite my best efforts! He was clearly knackered today after last night's late night at the party. He snuggled up on the couch this afternoon under the 'magic shawl' watching Peppa Pig and soon fell asleep. The first time he has EVER fallen asleep on the sofa, and he slept for well over an hour.
I asked him today if he enjoyed the party last night and he said 'No, too scary.' I think he maybe meant too loud, and was also disappointed that there was no bouncy castle at it :-)

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