In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Dixie Chicken

I have no idea whether this little fellow is called Dixie or not, but it could well be his/her name. Saw the little bird sitting, as you see, in a small wooden barrow, outside the coffee shop at The Happy Plant garden center in Mintlaw.
He was surrounded by loads of other hens and small pigs, beside the chicken coop. Poor wee thing, he was the only baby bird there, apart from a dead baby thrush lying outside in the car park. No wonder he is looking so alone and forlorn and in need of a good home.
We just left him there though, heartless as we are, along with all the other naff garden ornaments, because that is what they all are.
I mean, really, baby chickens and pigs in October? The dead thrush was real though.
Had you for a minute didn't I?
Awesome tune though.

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