forming about nuclei

As well as having to grudgingly admit that the heating might have to be switched on at some point this year I'll also have to try and recalibrate my dampness-tolerance algorithms to accommodate Edgar, at least until he's old enough to explain that he quite likes the rain too, as I hope he shall, despite having skin which much more closely resembles his mother's than mine. I didn't think it was that damp this morning when I took him out in the backpack to go and buy some breakfast-foods but the persistent drizzle soon had his hair plastered to his scalp, exacerbated by the hood of the coat I'd put him in being useless even before he kept pushing it back when I pulled it up. He didn't seem unhappy to be soggy, even going to sleep on the way home after briefly drying off in the shop, but I wheeched the backpack round anyway so that I could try and keep the hood pulled sort of half-over the back of his head. As the second trip out of the day in the afternoon was intended to be a get-him-to-have-a-nap trip he was in his wheels, though still got a bit damp inside where the raincover failed to do its job though was again not prevented from going to sleep as requested and waking up quite happy and unperturbed. Shortly before he awoke I'd thought I'd try and catch the droplets forming on and running down my eyebrows, though missed a couple of big drips due to focussing-delays.

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