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Getting caught up in a festival in Naoshima was the best thing to happen to us! Both Andy and I got accosted to carry floats, no idea what the festival was for but the floats seemed to have the run of the town, charging on and off ferries and generally getting in the way of all the traffic. Occasionally they would stop and bounce the floats up and down before charging at each other!

Naoshima is an island famous for its art exhibitions. It took us 2 days of trying to negotiate trains and ferries before we managed to reach the island. Once there we encountered a complex timetable of mini buses and too late we discovered we should have reserved tickets in advance for all the exhibitions and so we saw very little art. Feeling a bit dejected we headed back to the port for the ferry and then we encountered the festival!

In total we took 9 trains and 2 ferries on all our attempts to reach the island!

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