Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Wondering ...

... if I have taken up more than I can handle. Today my online "Introduction to AI" class started. It is being taught in collaboration with Stanford University and is taught by two experts in their field. Its free and I signed up for it for two reasons: to prepare for the same course I am teaching this fall and I will be getting a letter of participation from the instructors upon successful completion.

Today I got to know that I am teaching four courses this fall; our regular course load per semester is three. Out of these, one is brand new and is more of an experiment for everyone who is teaching it. To top it off, I have a few other responsibilities. I am quite stressed out thinking about all these things today and am wondering if I will be able to manage it or not ... I guess time will tell. I am also afraid that blip will become (if not already) just a journal and not a way for me to practice photography.

On a brighter note, I get to teach just two courses next semester which will give me alot of time to plan and pursue many things I have been thinking about.

Wish me luck people :) and I am sorry to inform that commenting for me will not be possible. I will try to catch up on the weekends.

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