Travels with a Ginger Dad

By weeross

Having a Whale of a Time

Back Blip #13

J was born in 1999 and Hervey Bay was where the three of us had our first summer holiday. My parents came across to join us and the two highlights were watching the humpback whales and a trip out to the reef at Lady Elliot's Island.

This trip's a bit more compressed, we drove up last night after work and made it by 10 (with only one puncture!), tomorrow we head out to the reef before driving back to Brizzie.

In 1999 we did the whalewatching in a little cabin cruiser (thingie) called The Hombre (if my memory serves me right); it broke down for a couple of hours, which was a bit worrying but gave us our best views of the whales. This time we headed out on a catamaran; so, even though we never raised the sail, we could have got back if the engine went kaput.

We visited in October last time and the young males were breaching all over the bay. This time it was a bit more laid back, with lots of fluke and fin splashes; but when these animals cruised under the catamaran, it put our own size and importance in perspective.

I'm not sure I've put enough thought into today's selection, so I've posted a few more options in my blipfolio until I come back to it.

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