
By Daystarimages

In the fullness of time

In this photograph of the moon, it is only one day from a full moon thus the fullness of time is yet to arrive for the "full moon". But, what really is a full moon? It is the time when the sun, moon and earth are in proper alignment for the moon to be seen in its fullness from our perspective. From the suns perspective, the moon is in its fullness always. Therefore, everything depends on one's perspective. There are so many aspects here that I could not possibly play them out in this venue. Just think about that thought a bit.
When the bible talks about the fullness of time, I believe that it is saying that, when everything that needs to take place that needs to take place for a certain event to happen, it will happen just as stated. Our perspective has little to do with it, it is Gods perspective that counts when we see any fulfillment of prophesy taking place. Again, it depends on where we are standing as to what we see, what we understand as to what we see. If we comprehend from Gods perspective, we will see exactly. If we stand in any other perspective, we will miss the fullness. In the bible, the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God, the awesome understanding of this creator being who has no beginning and no end, who lives outside of "time" in an eternal realm. AWESOME!

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