
By Ilaria

An interesting day...and lesson...

Hi folks...

Had a busy but intersting day off today!! After a comatose sleep(!) I was up bright and early to get on with a bit more of my course....and I have to admit that I've learnt a lot already...mostly about Photoshop at present. But this is a real weak point for me and why I chose to do the course!! I'm rubbish at making sense of anything too technical unless someone takes me through it clearly!!

What I wanted to do today was get out and get some shots using my new ND filter!! I love those dreamy water/river/sea/waterfall shots, and when I bought my camera, that was one of the reasons!! A compact can't get these, and it's a shame really. SO...

Drove quite a bit up to the Rest and be Thankful where there is a beautiful little lochan and several waterfalls, just before descending down to this stretch of road. I adore it there. But it was horrendously windy!!!!! Being determined, and all out of other ideas, I carried on with my plan. I hid out of the wind as best I
could....but not well enough!!!

Today I learned a good lesson!! If you want to catch flowing water like this...using a slow shutter speed....DO NOT choose a day when everything around you is also moving!!!!!! Lol!!!!! Every photo has blurry moving grass and ferns and trees!!!! I was gutted, and obviously didn't realise until home after dark!!!!!! Oops...and damn!!!!!

So while today's blip has quite nice flowing's got flowing grass too!! I converted this to B+W to try and disguise it a little, and cropped it down!! Ahh well....better luck next time...and believe me, there will be lots more attempts!!

ADVICE SOUGHT.....This water isn't as blurry as I hoped!! It's a 0.9 ND!! Why is that?? I thought this would do the trick!!! Can you use an additional one?? Will I need to?? now to watch Dexter...half way through season two, and still debating whether I like it or not!!!!!!!!!

And thankyou all for my BIG tree trunk Spotlight!! :-))))

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