Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Updating my blog

Lovely day with Elizabeth today.

We had music class this morning. Elizabeth was running around "chasing" George. Then she was holding hands and walking around the room with Zoe Anne. She was enjoying dancing and remembering the moves to songs we've been doing all term.

At home, when it got to about 11am, she asked for her dummy. I said "is it time for a nap?" She said "uh huh" and started climbing the stairs. We had a bit of a play on her bed, then she was asleep by 11.30am.

In the afternoon we went to the stay and play, where she was so sociable. She remembered one boy's name from previous groups and said "hello Oscar" to him. His mum was very impressed!

She went over to a little boy who is a year younger than her, and said "hello baby" and knelt down to his level to chat with him.

For the second half of the session I noticed that she was absent mindedly singing away to herself as she played. She had been singing to her doll earlier something along the lines of "baby lullaby" mashed up with "twinkle, twinkle" and "ee, eye, ee, eye, oh" after singing Old MacDonald at music class, and this was what she was singing whilst playing.

At the end of the session, they always get a piece of fruit. This week it was an apple. In the car on the way out, she said "very juicy", "very delicious" and "very crunchy".

Some more in brief:

* She's very polite and says please and thank you. Although it's hard not to give in to her when she says please over and over.
* She's getting really good with jigsaws. She now does proper jigsaws with 3 pieces on her own. She also likes the ones with pegs.
* She remembers everyone's names and associates them with things. When I said we were going to music class this morning, she ran off 3 names before we got there. Then when we passed the venue where the music class is in the afternoon, she said the names again.
* She says "with you" when we leave the car, meaning she wants to take a toy with her. So "monkey with you?"
* She will give you something and say "for you mummy (or other name)" or "there you go daddy" etc.
* When playing with others, she'll ask if it's "B-bith (Elizabeth)'s go".
* And today, after a little fall/cry she asked for a "tissue, for nose" then she used the tissue on her nose.

As I said, it's been a lovely day Elizabeth-wise. It would have been perfect day had I not been 37 and a half weeks pregnant (exhausted, stiff, uncomfortable etc).

Hopefully tomorrow will be as successful!

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