One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Ecstatic Meal

Why o why do they have to love it so much?
Why is a trip to McDonald's the easiest way to see them so totally excited and with their big round happy kids' eyes really lit up in their eager little faces.

Nana wanted to take us out for a meal tonight. She must have been really delighted with the orange flames that I pasted on the front doors of the Yaris (I know a thing or two about pasting).
Any effort to steer the kids towards a tastier option (both in terms of food and decor) was met with staunch resistance.
McShagginDonald it was. A Big Mac meal will never fill a man (won't even do as a starter as far as I'm concerned), and yet this lightweight amuse gueule will repeat on you for hours afterwards.
I think I know what the secret ingredient is in the BigMac: it's the Burp Gas. It's full of it. The beef patty on the other hand is much harder to find...

Erm, yes, Nana's hair is really that shape, no wide angle lens distortion there...

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