Lisa and the Boys

By narabug

Wibbly wobbly bridge

Ewan navigating the "wibbly wobbly bridge" (as he calls it) at one of the local parks. (I have faith in the fixings, clearly haha!)

Unfortunately it didn't tire him out quite enough for a smooth bed time tonight.

2 and a half hours it took him to settle. Not his longest, but by far the most difficult and well-fought battle to date.

It's his third night in a bed. He's been able to climb out of his cot for quite some time now, but he hadn't bothered doing so after the novelty of the discovery wore off, until Sunday morning when we woke to find him in the lounge. From that point he was getting back out his cot within seconds of him being put in there. This also means that the stair gates are also no longer a challenge. We therefore decided to bite the bullet (as we were planning on doing about now anyway) and convert the cot into a bed.

Looking back on tonight, it's probably quite funny for anyone who isn't me.

We started off with him coming downstairs with his shopping trolley. This was Item No. 1 Used to Get Over Stair Gate. I took him back up to bed. Item No. 2 Used to Get Over Stair Gate - Brio box. Full. Ewan back to bed again. Item No. 3 Used to Get Over Stair Gate - bike. Back up to bed. Then Item No. 4 appeared - his book box (the contents having been spread across his bedroom floor). Again, back up to bed. Item No.s 5 and 6 appeared in quick succession with a brief (perhaps 3 seconds?) stop back in bed between, and consisted two large toy boxes (again, empty; the contents strewn across his bedroom floor). Item No. 7 was, I believe, his desk. It was by the stair gate, but clearly not something he could get out of his room let alone carry down stairs. He brought down his VTech walker instead. Item No.s 8-something... (I stopped counting when we got to double-figures) were, again, the desk. I heard it being moved around a lot, but I was running low on space to place yet more items from his bedroom.

I'll give it to him, he's persistent.

At this point hubby got in from work to experience the hysteria (and it was. Not from me either, though I was probably getting close...).

Ewan did eventually settle, and hasn't stirred since.

I think it didn't help that he napped today. He desperately needed it, but he's gone without for the past two days... He was also up early this morning and appeared in our bedroom at about 6am, and his mood reflected a need for sleep until he finally gave up the fight and had a nap. Perhaps he could have gone without, I don't know...

So, apologies if I don't leave any comments tonight, but I need my own bed after all that!

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