At My Window Sad and Lonely

Waiting for some sign out in the street that'll lead to a secret midnight tryst? Idly watching our neighbours on their way home from the mosque? Puzzling over why there seems to be another cat sitting on the other side of the glass? (He did once start furiously pawing the computer monitor and sniffing the speakers when I played a YouTube video of another cat meowing, so it's not that far-fetched).

Whatever the reason, he seemed to respond well to this old song by Woody Guthrie, as interpreted by Billy Bragg and Wilco. Now there's a cat with taste.

At my window, sad and lonely
Oft times do I think of thee
Sad and lonely and I wonder
Do you ever think of me

Every day is sad and lonely
And every night is sad and blue
Do you ever think of me my darling
As you sail that ocean blue

At my window, sad and lonely
I stand and look across the sea
And I sad and lonely wonder
Do you ever think of me

Will you find another sweetheart
In some far and distant land
Sad and lonely now I wonder
If our boat will ever land

Ships may ply the stormy ocean
And planes may fly the stormy sky
I'm sad and lonely but remember
Oh, I'll love you till I die

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