What did I see today...?

By DaveR

A game, afoot

Today's Blip had three contenders - this morning's gorgeous (foreboding) red sunrise, the garden by moonlight (ruined by my t-shirt, of all things) and this - looking ahead to November and the start of NaNoWriMo.

For anyone who doesn't know what NaNoWriMo is (it's been on the BBC recently!) it's an international month of madness - a National Novel Writing Month of madness, to be precise. And yes, it should be international but it started out with just one guy* and a few friends in San Francisco and took off from there.

It's now got about 200,000 participants worldwide and I am a proud to count myself in their number - this year marks my 8th NaNo and I'm going for my 7th win** - year one failed due to trying to do it all alone, whereas now I meet other NaNoers at write-ins and pubs for regular sharing of the insanity!

NaNo kicks off on November 1st and for once I've decided to go in with a plan, or at least more of one than usual... This year's entry is the third in a series of supernatural horrors (no, there are no s*dding vampires) which will see me pick up at the moment last year's ended - I just stranded the main character in hell and sent some folks in to get him back.

Angels and Daemons and Dreams, oh my.

*The legendary Chris Baty, whom you can follow on Twitter.
**To win you must hit 50,000 words (about 1,667 a day). I usually finish perilously close to midnight on the 30th of November, having written half the book in the last two days!

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