Add a dash of adventure..

By Melasaurus

Not quite an apple gingerbread loaf

Yesterday evening I made an apple gingerbread loaf using some of the apples we got from my grandma the other day. I'd planned to write it up as today's blog post and since I was going to be taking photos of it this morning as well, I figured that it would also make a handy blip...

Except that I appear to have lost the ability to bake my mum's oven appears to be conspiring against me and her cake tester lied to my face, resulting in a slightly under-baked loaf. It still tastes totally delicious and popping the slices back in the oven just before eating sorts out the under-baked issue, but it wasn't terribly photogenic. Luckily I had photos of some scrumptious baked pumpkin spiced doughnut holes from way back in June that I was able to trot out for an emergency blog post, and these lovely gladiolas sitting in our kitchen provided me with an emergency blip. The sun came out just as I was taking the photo and they really are that brightly coloured! I love the faint tiger-stripe pattern on the lower petals - so pretty!

I'll be trying the apple gingerbread loaf again though, so hopefully it will turn out better and get blipped!

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