Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Wed: The Odd Things That People Find Interesting

I am starting a round of nightshifts tonight so won't be wandering very far from the house today.  A girl needs her rest, hence the blip from inside the house.

I was thinking today about the weird and wonderful things people find interesting.  George Orwell, for example, collected ladies magazines and used to read the fashion and cookery pages in the bath.  I have a vague obsession with the Cambridge Spies and some time ago, started collecting books about them.  I was always particularly intrigued by Guy Burgess because, although he never seemed to regret what he had done, he died in Russia deeply unhappy and pining for 'Old England'.  He never learnt Russian and still had all his suits and books sent to him from London, hankering for a life that he could never return to.  Donald McLean and Kim Philby, by contrast, settled quite well in Russia.    

Oddly enough, there has never been a biography written about Guy Burgess - a definite gap, I always feel.

The other type of book that seems to feature quite heavily on my shelves are memoirs along the lines of 'My Life in the Russian Revolution, or shortly thereafter, or generally in Russia when it was a pretty miserable place to live in' type.

I am not sure where either interest started, particularly as I have never been to Russia, bar 2 days in St Petersburg.  They just seemed to evolve.  Go figure........

What's your odd area of interest?

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