
Look what came in the post today! When I opened my mailbox and saw a letter with a Glasgow postmark I knew it could only be from one person ~ CB you know who you are!

How delighted I was to open the card to find the pendant pictured above. It is truly lovely and I appreciated the thoughtfulness of the sender. Along with your friendship, this is something that I will treasure forever ~ Thank you!

The pendant is a Celtic Friendship Knot and the card attached reads: "Taken from a tiny marginal illustration in an ancient manuscript, this knotwork circle repeats a pattern that represents how the complex lives of friends come together and intertwine and then go back out from that woven centre strong and whole."

I think that sentiment sums up blipfoto quite nicely. Friendship made here are something very special. And I would like to meet each and every one of you someday! If only I could win the lottery!

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