The second half of life..

By twigs

Brightness ahead

Today started off as I planned - get up - do some marking - do a little housework - go to town...........but then it broke down! Spent far too long in town (though did manage to find myself a new pair of shoes and a new top!)

Came home - had tea - did a few chores. It's much later then I want it to be right now given I'll be up tomorrow at 5.00am to get my early flight to Auckland - and I still have to finish packing!!

The excitement of a trip away is mounting - gotta love holidays, even if I am only going away for 4 days!

Oh yes - the picture - I couldn't help but be mesmerised by these poppies in town - beds and beds of bright, colourful, dainty, beautiful poppies. They create an almost carnival like atmosphere - perfect for holiday time I thought.

Spot ya!

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