Conduit Head, Pipe Hall Farm

This was a mission for me. I had stumbled across the Conduit Head two years ago, when the Woodland Trust were renovating it, and I wanted to go back as soon as I could walk that far.

I am now allowed to drive, so I could drive to the car park of the Wood and go to take this photo.

The Conduit Head "sits atop a stream course and once housed the city's main water pipe, acting as a filter for leaves and other debris that could pollute the water. Norman to Medieval in age, it meant Lichfield could have a ready supply of water, and so was instrumental in deciding the position of the city."

I'm shattered. I ache - but I made it!

And there were other things on the way

New trees and meadow full of flowers

a new friend for Lily the Lab perhaps

leaf and light

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