Edible world

By RawAppetite

The difference between me and a gourmet chef is...

as long as it tastes good, I'm not so fussy about how it looks. Which is just as well...

This sweet treat was easy to make and even easier to scoff, but it so nearly was a complete mess. I didn't read the recipe properly before starting to make it, merrily subbing brazil nuts for the macademia's stipulated. This wasn't in itself a problem, except that I forgot that brazils are twice as big. This made the final cutting up into neat squares much harder. Then of course, I forgot to line my tin, so extracting the pieces was a sticky experience. Oh, and I didn't melt the honey properly so it separated from the cocao butter. I ended up with distinct layers, rather than a homogenous mix. Then, I didn't wait long enough for the mixture to cool before adding the bee pollen so it sunk instead of floated on the top. And finally, I forgot to add the poppy seeds so had to sprinkle them on top at the last minute. A category of errors. Must pay better attention.

But, hey, they were still yummy.

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