Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Ran round like a dizzy thing today. School, Music Train, Doctors, home, Swimming, Sainsburys, Brookers (local hardware/everything shop), Bank, Boots, Drs again (hopefully with the correct paperwork this time), Dentist, school, home. Phew!

Grabbed this in the mad dash along Cambridge Road/Queens Street from Music Train to the GP's.

Poor Carys did a mighty crash bang on the way to school. Proper sobs (and she isn't one to cry easily) but I still can't work out if it was due to:
a) the graze on her hip through her pinafore and pants,
b) loss of pride as she was running along with a year 4 at the time
c) the fact her new water bottle, bought specifically for school, came out of it with a smashed, non-water tight lid.
Luckily Mummy happened to find a lovely new pink water bottle in Brookers which gained a big smile and a 'You are a superstar Mummy' from Carys, when she was presented with it.

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