Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Sundown at Sandbeds

Another day at Blackburn but a much more pleasant drive back over the Pennines than yesterday.

Eyes always open for a blip, somewhere on the M65 I spotted a perfect crisscross of contrails like a heavenly game of noughts and crosses. I wanted to pull over but I doubt the Highway Agency would have been sympathetic!

But Officer - I was trying to Blip!

Imagine that on Police, Camera, Action!

I did manage to pull over at Sandbeds however and blip a gorgeous sunset over Keighley.

Back at the office tomorrow. I've decided I should try and make an effort to lunchtime blip a bit more. I can't complain about lack of light when I've got a perfect midday opportunity everyday!

Wonder what you'll get? A Cheese sandwich blip maybe? Fish and Chips even? Or maybe a nice Carrot and Coriander Soup... with croutons.

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