Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Black Squirrel

Back from Switzerland and staying for an extended holiday whith our daughter and her husband in Hitchin ( near Luton airport )

We had a wonderful time in both Leichstenstien with our 1-0 win being the icing on the cake. Both John and I took so many shots it will take months to process. So many images from the ski resort at Bad Ragaz , from Vaduz which is the tiny capital of Liechstenstien , and from our time in Zurich after the game. Beautiful summery weather there which made up for the two day downpour in leichenstien. We also met so many lovely Swiss people keen to meet and talk with the " Tartan Army".

I will be working on all those images on my PC when I get home.
Meanwhile I am converting some images on my laptop but am not too happy with it as it hasn't been fully calibrated so I'm not sure if the colours and contrast etc are right.

Tonight I have uploaded an image of a black squirrel which I spoyyed in St mary's churchyard in Hitchin.I've never seen on e of these before. I was really pleased with the images of the grey squirrels as they seemed more tame then the black ones and let me approach quite near ; as a result they were really sharp and detailed.
However i was also chuffed to get this tiny creature which was so fast and sped off up a tree .

Will be back blipping soon. Nice to be back and will try to have a look around all your journals

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