Coffee Spoons

By MissMarj

Laser Kitty Has You In Her Sights

I did not expect this photo to come out at all! Usually when I try to take pictures of this particular moggy she moves or turns round or hides behind something. This time she looked right at the camera for me, and I probably utterly blinded her with the flash for her trouble. Poor thing.

Anyway, I was over at Quincy's place (yes, that's the name of the cat) last night for another Prisoner Cell Block H night. Holy crapola, it was exciting! Last Prisoner night we were left on a big cliff hanger - Karen had been mistakenly shot by Pat O'Connel's son because he was after Doctor Dreamy. This time it was all go when Roz the teen murderess was helping the terrorist wifey with the silly name escape from the Prison and Mrs Davidson may have been shot. Oh. Em. Gee!

You know, Prisoner is kind of an Australian version of Eastenders. Having done a bit of research it seems they produced several episodes a week and each one must have been about an hour long with ad breaks. The wobbly sets seem a lot more forgiveable under those conditions. And I don't know that Eastenders is being released on DVD 30 years after it was first broadcast.

Prisoner Cell Block H for the win!

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