please wear yourself out!

It's been a long long day. Sienna had a nightmare at 4am and came to ease her fears in our bed. As other parents testify on here, ain't much sleep to be had with a wiggly child!

Then it was a full on day at home (no school on Fridays here), where we made 'Lemon, Honey and Cream puddings', created mermaids, 'played' Vets with poorly pets, babies with grumpy babies, managed to get a wash on and some tidying up done, went for a walk, visited a pet shop and I personally answered to 'Mummy" about three trillion times.

So now we have one kid away camping for the weekend with Scouts, one at a Scout meeting, one at choir and one at swim training and one 4 year old that has a post dinner energy high which has seen her running around the grass in a wild frenzy as this blip shows.

Better that image though, than that of a couple of pooped parents!

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