must try harder

By halfcj

Who needs eggs anyway.

Again, a bit of post rationalisation going on here....but I was thinking of yesterday and made myself a promise not to put all my eggs in one basket, when I saw these.

They made me realise that I only have one basket! Must get some more. Maybe I could pinch one of these! Whatever, when I do get another basket, am I supposed to keep all my baskets in one basket? that the idea? Maybe that would defeat the object of the exercise, as the eggs in the bigger basket would be crushed by the basket with others eggs in them, which technically would be in the bigger basket anyway?

Come to think of it, these people didn't have any eggs in the baskets at all! Had they crushed them all? Do you not need eggs if you got lots of baskets? Perhaps that's the meaning of the saying.

Have baskets, no need for eggs!

Am I missing something here?....OMG...I've been barking up the wrong tree all these years! Don't collect eggs, collect baskets! Eureka!

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