Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Autumn leaves: the Getty

Very excited to be wearing the golden Blip crown this week and thanks!

Going to be MIA for a few days I'm afraid! I'll be missing Blipping. There's plenty of new stuff over at the boy's blog if you need a Lacey fix ;-)

The morning swim at school with Callum, so well did he do, gave way to autumn at the Getty Center with Geraldine and Mark. On any other day, I'd have been seduced into the vast galleries of the photographic exhibitions, but today, in the unusually humid air, we watched as the marine layer of fog started racing into the Santa Monica Bay as we sat escaping the heat in the shade. The gardens were in their beautiful autumnal bloom, resplendent with oranges, golds and reds, echoing Reuben's golden curls.

The boys excitedly rugby tackled each other repeatedly on the rolling grassy bank. It became a source of great entertainment to a group of passersby, probably wondering where on Earth their mother was.

Little heartbroken, inevitably making that lonely drive back from the airport as my sister and brother in law boarded the flight for London, and I with that feeling, when will I see them again. Upon returning, Callum said I'd been crying and as I went to sit down beside him, he reached up to kiss me for comfort...

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