Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Yaffling Irons

Jackspeak - A guide to Royal Navy and Royal Marines Slanguage.

Yaffling Irons - Cutlery.

Actually the list is rather longer than one name. Cutlery can confuse those not aware of the range of expressions used to describe them within the RN & RM.

Gobbling Rods.
KFS (Knife/Fork/Spoon)
Eating Irons.
Fighting Gear.

The principle weapon is the spoon, it can handle babies heads (steak & kidney pudding), peas, tea, apple flakes, you name it. When issued with a set in 1970 they came in a rather neat little green pouch made from waterproofed canvas. These days they are probably supplied in something Gucci made out of Goretex.

Please refer any amusing comments about Peppa Pig to my Grandson.

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