A thousand new paths

By acc

Day 10. 365grateful - My bed

I've struggled a bit today as it was quite a busy week. I got up, had breakfast and then went back to bed until 1pm! Sometimes weekends are really needed for recuperation. G asked me if I wanted to go out for lunch but it meant getting on the tube. I spend about three hours a day on public transport in London so I couldn't face it on a day when I don't have to.
So I am grateful for this bed. With very few exceptions (in expensive hotels in the US) this is the most comfortable bed I've every slept in. And luckily it's my own!

He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has. Epictetus
The 365 Grateful Project.
In early 2008, in an effort to fight depression, Hailey Bartholomew started a year long photographic project which involved taking one Polaroid photo a day of something she felt grateful for.
I thought that this was such a fab idea I would do it as well. I have been blipping on and off recently but I lost my enthusiasm for it when I felt that every day was the same, always going to the same place. However, I think that documenting something I am grateful for each day gives it a different slant.

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