Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


It's ironic that it's during the National Breastfeeding Awareness week that I'm starting Elizabeth on a bit of formula.

It's 3 weeks today until I'm back at work, and it just seems easier to have her on formula while I'm at work than having to try and find time and space to pump during the day. I'm hoping she will still feed from me in the morning and through the night (if she needs it), but I know that giving formula can sometimes actually put them off the boob, plus it can affect my supply.

I love breastfeeding and I will really miss it when we do eventually stop (not that I'd be one of those crazy mums who keeps feeding them until they are 5 years old).

At the breastfeeding cafe today we had cake and a photographer came in to take a photo of us (not while we were feeding) for a local paper. It was a nice afternoon. :)

EDIT: Elizabeth slept from 8pm till 5am without waking. She usually has a feed between 2am and 3 am. And then she went back to sleep really easily. I wonder if it was the formula milk? She only had an ounce mixed in with her usual bottle though. But I feel fab for the extra sleep.

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