
By Nigel

A Good Ear for Music

After being up all night rockin' out there was a definite need for something more relaxed this evening. I dug out some Biosphere and the cat became extremely chilled and even let me up close to take loads of pictures without getting up and moving away like he normally does.

Vista decided it was time to update itself and my wireless network is now decidely iffy. I have promised myself that I won't buy a new computer (Mac Book Pro or iMac, can't decide) until I go back to work and it's rally annoying me. The PC I have is around 5 years old and really, really rubbish by modern standards. That coupled with Vista makes it a pain. I could reinstall XP I suppose but I can't be bothered go through the installation process again.

Any way the net result (oops, pun) is that I can't stay connected to the internet for mare than five minutes at a time and often have to reset the BT Homehub, sometime 5 or 6 times a day.

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