Another day goes by

By WelshSi

2 up 2 down

This is my last rugby blip, honest, well for the next 24 hrs anyway. Rugby? I hear you say, what the hell has this image got to do with rugby.

Firstly I was surprised to even find a dandelion this late in the year, or perhaps I have just not been looking. But then I noticed that there are 2 fairies pointing up and 2 down. Then I thought of the rugby, NZ and France are pointing up and Wales and Aus pointing down, lateral thinking yeah, or am I just mad.

A bit disappointed that NZ beat Aus today, but only cos I wanted Wales to play NZ. I still think NZ are the best around, you can't deny that their consistency in the sport is second to none. Roll on Friday, cant wait to wipe the floor with Australia. Lets hope all the winners over the next weekend are the same as 24 years ago.

4 days left in work for me and then 10 days off. I am hoping I can get some photography done as I feel my mojo is starting to disappear.

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