Learning day by day

By EmmaF

DIY Sunday

IKEA delivered our purchases from yesterday at 11.30 today. Less than 24hrs, very impressed. Nanna and Poppa came for lunch and then entertained the small people, while we put some of the purchases together.

We actually did very well, I think. In three hours we managed to construct, two sets of storage frames, three drawers, a desk, including a set of drawers, with no arguements. It now means on child free Tuesday I can construct the remaining drawers and shelves and start moving stuff from the room that will soon be William's to this new arrangement in what was the nursery and will be the study.

Jim has to go to Paris tomorrow for a meeting on Tuesday. Not as glamorous as it sounds he tells me, some industrial estate on the outskirts. Me, I'm thinking, lucky man a whole nights undisturbed sleep.

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