snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie


3 blips in a row today, catching up. Check Monday's and Wednesday's too, while you are at it. All 3 are reddish and full of lines, almost as if by design, but its a total fluke... Monday's is my favorite of the three.

Another quick backblip - blip 50, already!! - the only shots I took on Tuesday were 3 shots of this row of houses.

I am always amazed at how in the UK people just built sets of identical houses, as far back as 150 years ago (and still do today). This tendency to fit in, not stand out, and conform goes way beyond houses, though.

I would just hate to have the exact same house as my neighbours, but then I am someone who values originality and surprise probably a bit too much (to the point of finding it hard to like something too popular, and sometimes not liking something as much if it becomes too trendy). If it is everywhere I get tired of it.

When walking past a row of houses like this i always am amused at the little ways in which people tried to be a bit different, but on this row there arent many.

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