Colin McLean

By ColinMcLean

The Tilt

Two of us walked up Glen Tilt from the car park at Old Bridge of Tilt, near Blair Atholl in Perthshire. The weather was kind to us; virtually no wind, only a couple of light showers, sunshine, but not too hot for walking. And walk we did. I reckon we covered 19 miles, but that is being debated. My legs the next day convinced me it was at least 19 miles.

This is where we stopped to eat our lunch, where the river crashes through a narrow gap in the exposed rocks.

Glen Tilt was once a major east-west route through the mountains, for people and for cattle. There are many signs of early settlements on the lower slopes of the hills that form the glen.

All day we were entertained to the noise of stags bellowing; it being the height of the rutting season. Occasionally, we looked up to see them standing high and proud on the ridge, staring down at us. The real Monarchs of the Glen.

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