People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Self portrait. Kinda.

This custom-made Harley Davidson was parked outside of the post office today.

I love bikes with all my heart. Attempted to take a motorcycle safety course once; failed miserably. I did not manage to weave between the orange cones, and dropped the bike to boot. No major damage to the bike, broken mirror and the tip of the break handle, but my bike-riding ego was crushed beyond repair. I have gathered from that experience that I should not ride any motorcycles in this lifetime. Ever. Probably not even as passenger, as I might bring bad luck.

I do love photographing them, though. So many intricate parts woven together to make this ultra graceful and efficient whole!

If you have never seen The World's Fastest Indian, you should.

PS. Thanks for all of your camera advice yesterday. A trip to the camera store is needed, and I don't have one handy. Will do as soon as possible. For now, I'll pay attention to what my students are using...

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