Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Faces of Fiona #32 - "where did it go?"

So it's back to reality - our tuesday with Granddaughter Fiona. Also nice to get the computer back into it. :-) I think, looking at a few blips around the world, that it must be beautiful weather everywhere! certainly Chicago and Seattle, and London. So today we headed for the zoo. There is a wonderful exhibit of Humboldt Penguins - and being that it includes water, Fiona loves it. But when they disappeared from in front of her eyes, she kept turning to Boppa (Grampa) with her "where did that penguin go" expression. We spent time with the bears and the wolves - didn't get as far as we planned as she now will only push the stroller at her own pace. Won't get in. No problem, we'll do a different section next time.

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