With One Eye Wide Open


A Day to Remember

Ever heard of the saying "When it rains, it pours"? Well, i'm soaking wet in that case!

My day started early with an email from my tutor telling me that he was blown away by one of the images I submitted and he suggested that maybe I should start building a portfolio? I was tickled with joy just by his reaction and by the idea of having a "portfolio". My goodness, that sounds daunting and too mainstream! lol. Everyone seems to have a portfolio these days. Still, I was grinning all the way to the doctors.

The check-up now, drove myself and nearly had a heart attack from fear that the knee would start acting up and i'd crash head on to something. Thank goodness i'm not half as bad a driver as I thought I was and the leg didn't give me too much trouble. (I had to blast it with ice before heading out) Leg (knee) is officially on the mend but I was told off by my physio for not keeping it always straight, seems if I don't i'll end up with one short leg. Imagine that, ill forever be branded as a semi-cripple (is there such a thing?). I wanted to answer back to her with "do you know how difficult it is to keep your leg straight 24/7?" She should try it, i'm sure she won't last a day! Anyway, for my own good I promised not to be naughty and to keep the leg as straight as an arrow at least until I got home. :)

After getting home, I then received a call that my PR visa has just been approved! And it's only been 3 weeks since I lodged it. Oh my! That is way cool!

So, in a bit i'm heading out to buy myself a lottery ticket or one of those scratchy things. Days like this doesn't always come my way so might us well milk it for what it's worth!

Another flower photo. I'm hoping to branch out to photographing leaves one of these days. :)

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