
By BikerJim

~PhotoShop WindMill~

~Wind Energy = Mechanical Energy~

In the United States, the development
of the water-pumping windmill
was the major factor in allowing
the farming and ranching
of vast areas of North America,
which were otherwise devoid
of readily accessible water.
The multi-bladed wind turbine
atop a tower made of wood was
a fixture of the landscape
throughout rural America.
These mills featured
a large number of blades
so that they would turn slowly
with considerable torque in low winds
and be self regulating in high winds.
A tower-top gearbox and crankshaft
converted the rotary motion into
reciprocating strokes carried downward
through a rod to the pump cylinder below.

More than you ever wanted
to know about windmills.

Had a tough day today,
so I did a different kind of image.
Don't know if it helped tho.
It was a rough day,
but a fun day.
Took a lot of photographs
out in the desert.
Twenty or thirty miles from nowhere.
Strained a hamstring muscle,
ran away from a swarm of bees,
got sunburned,
and some old desert rat (the human kind),
road up to hassle me,
wanted to know what I was doing out here,
when he saw I was packing
a pistol he friendlied up.
I asked if he live out here, he said "Yep!"
Said he live so far back in the hills
that when he drove out to the highway at night
his headlights were 5 mile behind him.
Said he had to wait at the junction
over an hour for his headlights to catch up.
Turned out to be a good guy,
he was packin' too!
One can't be to careful
out in the 'back of beyond'.

Thanks for stopping by!

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