The Chronicles of Kat

By ChronicleKat

Child's Play

Lots of things happened today, for some reason I woke up very late. I have been very tired lately...but anyway, when I did I ended up going with Kristen, Abigail and Eric's father to go see Eric's aunt Nancy. She is doing better but still is on hospice everyone feels she wont make it much longer, but I think she still has another week left in her.
Any way, after that I took Abigail with me to my house while I got ready for my second "photo job" interview. I feel good about this one and possibly have it! I am still waiting on the first one though....I have also decided that I am going to juggle them both for as long as I can. If I have issues with this two job thing, I will just dump the one that is paying me less...though I do believe I can handle them both.
ps...I need to start remembering that when my stuff wont upload I need to change the size....this would be much easier if the size requirements didn't just matter on certain days!

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