Finally here

Not something I usually blip, but I remained at home all day and, anyway, I *do* think this deserves being registred.

Today arrived from Amazon, among other stuff Habibi, by Craig Thompson. I'd been waiting for this graphic-novel for quite a long time, after reading (and loving) Blankets, his previous work.

Habibi, "set in a fictional Islamic fairytale landscape, (...) depicts the relationship between Dodola and Zam, two escaped child slaves, who are torn apart and undergo many transformations as they grow into new names and new bodies, which prove to be obstacles to their love when they later reunite." (from wikipedia).

I haven't read any real reviews of it yet, as I prefer to go into stories (on comics, movies or books) with as little knowledge as possible, but I'm certain Habibi will be memorable and gorgeous-looking. I'll still have to wait a few days before digging in, though, as R will read it first.

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