Bird Ceramics

Miserable day, nearly constant rain. So at the end of the day I spent a fair amount of time assembling these items on the dining-room sideboard--all bird-related. You need to view them large.

Leaving out the imaginary bird Behind is a golden pheasant (a correction by my ornithologist friend). From left below: Wood duck (male), Atlantic puffin, Avocet*, gull hovering, birder (note the binoculars--and he is holding a puffin, coincidentally!), blue tit. *The avocet is probably from Europe, since it's likely a dutch tile.

The blue tit was given us in a tiny village in Germany's Odenwald, where my old friend Heidi has a house (both seen in this blip); we told people we were birders, and the owners gave us this little ceramic (very precious, with the memory).

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