a rich image

By richardhaas

Arrivals and Departures

Eastern Daylight Time
5:15 am - board airplane from Wilmington, NC to Charlotte en route to San Diego, CA
6:00 am - deplane Wilmington - mechanical difficulties
7:15 am - depart Wilmington to Charlotte. Re-routed from Charlotte to Los Angeles, CA
9:50 am - depart Charlotte to Los Angeles

Pacific Daylight Time
12:15 PM - arrive LA (luggage lost)
1:30 PM - rent Hertz car to San Bernardino - stop en route to buy Gina clothes for her job tomorrow.
6:00 PM - arrive in San Bernardino - about 50 miles from LAX
9:00 PM - call from San Diego - they have bags and will ship them tomorrow to LA.

It was great fun!

My blip folio now includes some images from the first day of our trip a couple of weeks ago - in Denver. Check it out!

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