The journey continues...

By Lbell

Birthday Times!!!

I woke up to breakfast from Alexia, a medialuna (pretty much a croissant) with dulce de leche in it..great birthday start :) Got my bus booked for Mendoza which is rather exciting also! Before I knew it it was time to leave for the orphanage and it turned out to be one of the best days that I've had there so far. When I arrived I played outside with the kids for a good while and they were making bracelets, great fun! Me, Jackie and Rocio went to the park and spent at least an hour there chatting, on the swings and attempting monkey bars which I was absolutely useless at! When we got back it was almost merienda time and then I left at 5.
Got some lovely pressies from the people in the house: a bracelet, earrings and a book from the English bookstore here which I had been dying to get from! We left the house at half7, or slightly later cause I took quite a while to get ready, and went to this cocktail place for food and drinks. Clair from my uni came as well which was so nice! The place was really fancy and we had to be on guestlist to get in and walk through a security scanner! It was a great wee night, free food, 2 for 1 drinks and a live band! I also was give fairy wings and a wand to wear! A memorable 21st bday! And the chocolate cake was fab!!

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