Crikey on a Bikey

By Stewpid


Been working on this for weeks after thinking it will look mint in Billyjacks room.
It's almost two foot long so painting it has been the biggest job.
Made a few mistakes and its still unfinished but is ready enough to take its place in space.

was unsure about doing either discovery or atlantis but chose discovery due to doing a junior school project on it in 1988 which i think was the return to flight after challenger.
Also in 05 we went to orlando. Due to a storm we had to get a smaller rubbish plane that could not do the journey in one. We stopped at bangor, Maine to refuel and came down the eastern sea board.
we flew over Daytona race we and the NASA lauch pad with a delayed discovery on it waiting to lauch.

And finally billy is on his own journey of are we.

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