The way I see it.

By christinePears

New Knitting Project

Just relishing the last few days of my October holiday. Went swimming with my son and two grandchildren in the morning. Not much swimming took place - more just larking about in the waves and the "river" created in the pool. What fun! You really need small children with you to have the excuse of enjoying these pleasures and it was delightful to watch their little faces as we were swirled and tossed about in the water.

The afternoon's pleasure was much more sedate and involved going to a friend's house for some knitting and nattering. Her daughter is learning to knit and it is good to watch these skills getting passed on from one generation to the next.

My niece, Rosamund started knitting in earnest several years ago after I had been visiting and she had watched me knit. I passed on a few basic skills to her and she is now one of the most enthusiastic and prolific knitters that I know. She has extended her skills base to include felting, weaving and spinning and is now a constant source of inspiration to me. She also gently tells me easier and better ways to do things! Today's blip is of a scarf that I started knitting today with 100% silk that she spun for me! It is wonderful to work with and as it is hand spun it has lovely knubbly bits and the thickness varies to give a superb texture. Being pure silk it should be very comfortable to wear once completed.

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