Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Miss W wants to speak to you...

Alternative title Why the Romans had Slaves

Dealing with the second title first...Because mosaics take a very very very very very long time to make...even little ones, if you have to make them on your own.

Finally, I'm allowed to blip the mosaic.

*The* mosaic. The mosaic which took him days to work on and create.

He's very proud of *the* mosaic is H.

He had to give a presentation on his project today at school. It was rather sweet really. He even took in some of Noah's work as a sample of 'apprentice' work. Henry was, of course, the master mosaic-maker.

I have been insanely busy this week, hence the lack of blips and comments but thank you so much to those of you who have kept popping by :-)

Now to the first title:

Yesterday I zipped into school to pick up H and was told,

"Miss W wants to speak to you."
"Uh-oh," the words no parent wants to hear, "Erm...why, what have you done?" I enquired.
"It's about what I learned today," said H.
" Oh right," I relaxed a bad could it be? "What did you learn?"
H then offered up a rather charred finger for my inspection.
"I learned not to wrap a battery in tin foil!"

Eeeeeek! Poor teacher. I think she saw her whole career flash in front of her eyes. Bless her. She just hadn't accounted for the H 'What-would-happen-if-I-did-this' factor! She'll learn...I did.

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