
meet chunk, aka 'python paul'*: fellow blipper, graphic designer, ex work chum and top top mate. he normally keeps these bad boys under wraps but made an exception for me today.

he trains regular and hard, and has done so for years. none of that cheating junk shit either - just dedicated solid work - with more eggs, pasta and chicken than you can throw at a pair of hairy bikers (i've seen the tupperware he brings to work. man can he eat). he used to have a lot less mass back in his jujitsu days but since he hung up his dans this house of steel stuff is his thing. that and knocking walls down with his bare hands.

we used to design magazines together a few years back before he landed a job at a rather epic place up the road, and we've stayed in touch ever since. i occassionally do some freelancing there but apart from that (and cooking regular meals for eachother with our other good mate 'dirt mynci') we don't really hang out much, very rarely call eachother up or seldom help eachother with the usual things that good friends do. and yet i still think of him as one of my bezzy mates (maybe its the fact he can make me laugh just my looking at me. he's kynda infectious like that).

thanks fella. hope your gym buddies don't give you too much grief for agreeing to flex the guns for me.

*has arms that look like a python that has swallowed a village goat.

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