
By Hattie

A-Level Theatre Studies

wow... I know i haven't blipped in like 2 months but i have been so busy, first there was the whole starting year 12 and getting everything ready to start a-levels then the next thing i know i have like loads and loads of work to do and learn all these new things and i have just been pretty much swamped with work and i haven't had a lot of "me" time to do the things i would like to do like taking photo's so yeah.. but i should hopefully be getting back on track with all the photo's very soon :)
well basically the last week hasn't been very good been feeling pretty rubbish to be honest, so much work to hand in by today and then getting so much work for half term its ridiculous anyways so i go into my last triple lesson today which was theatre studies and my teacher had taken in my book, and not being in the best of moods i didn't really care about getting them back but when i opened it and read this it made me mood was instantly lifted and i was in a happier mood all day! so yeah this blip is the comment i got in my book about my work woo ;) haha anyways this is probably rambling on a bit so i'm going to wrap it up now but i am working on getting more photo's so watch this space :)
Enjoy! x x x

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