With One Eye Wide Open


The Bud

Seems like going out with the camera is too much effort for me today. I don't mind that it's overcast but........ So I decided to stay put, make the most out of my dying pot of lil' white flowers and catch up with my reading.

My roomie and her boyfriend keep asking me to go out and go back to the social scene for the last week. Today they're doing some pumpkin carving in time for the halloween celebration next week. Sounds like fun but I just feel too lazy! My friends feel that i've turned anti-social and obsessing too much about taking photos, lots and lots of it! My camera gear has been scattered all around the living area for the last couple of weeks! It does feel like i'm in a photo bubble. lol.

Here's another go at trying to 'create' an image. Maybe tomorrow i'll finally be inspired to join the world of the living. :)

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