Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Scunnered !!!

A good old Scottish word which expresses how I feel re our return home from Switzerland.

Travelled back from Luton on Sunday, should have been back in Glasgow by 9 o'clock at night, got there after midnight and we still had to go to Balfron to collect Oscar.

Stayed there overnight and John woke up with a bad bout of his diverticulitis. nasty . Stayed there until Tuesday by which time he had recovered. On the plus side I got to spend more time with the family and enjoyed catching up with all their news.

Back home by 1:30 pm to find a large damp patch on the living room ceiling. Plumber arrived by 3 o'clock confirmed it wasn't pipes or burst boiler. Called the builder who had replaced our roof slates last summer. Impressed by the quick response but they couldn't find anything. They came backyesterday and this morning, still no evidence of a leaking roof. Strange thing is that , though we have had torrential rain since we got back there has been no more water coming in. So where did the water come from ?

Such is life , we take the good with the bad, A wonderful holiday in Switzerland and Leichenstien , great time with both daughters , one in Hitchin and one in Balfron and a visit from our son and his big , friendly dog from Wednesday till today. So what's the big deal with rotten weather and water in the ceiling?

However for some reason I have taken a real scunner to photography . Think I burnt myself out on holiday and then having to finalise entries for our club competition on Wednesday and create score sheets for the Abstract competition having received the list of entries on Tuesday when I got back. Lots of work there !

A bit of sunshine in my life in an email from the Dingwall exhibition . No I didn't get any acceptances but I had 3 images which were only one point below acceptance level. That's what I call a result in my first attempt.

So today I got my act together and set up the camera tried some long exposures using the bulb setting and painting with light technique. Results were rubbish ! So a hand held shot of roses on the rain lashed window ledge for tonight.

Think I'll look for another holiday in a bright sunny, very warm place!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend wherever you are.

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